HubSpot Sales Hub

An easy-to-use, feature-rich CRM solution

that helps the sales team sell more, deepen relationships and increase the efficiency of sales processes.


It also works as a smartphone app.

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Grow in sales with HubSpot

Meet Sales Hub - your new CRM

Manage your contacts, follow your customers, streamline your communications. Sales Hub offers the tools you need at all stages of the sales process.
With Sales Hub, you'll reduce the time spent on data transcription and other routine tasks. Automate repetitive tasks and manage teamwork to gain time for sales activities.
What can Hubspot do for you?

Even simpler sales management


Sales Hub is software that includes everything you need to optimize your sales on a single platform. It allows you to easily implement automation processes. Getting started with the software is almost instantaneous, and implementation does not require programmers in your company.


An important advantage of Sales Hub is its ability to integrate with other sales tools, including third-party ones. More than 1,590 custom integrations will allow you to continue using your favorite applications and combine the data you have. What's more, Sales Hub is designed to work with Marketing Hub, Service Hub, Operations Hub and Content Hub, so you can manage the entire marketing, sales and customer service process in one system.


The most popular features include email tracking, automatic personalized messages and follow-ups, correspondence templates, contact and call management or sales analytics. A diverse offering will allow you to tailor a package of services to suit your company's needs.


We have been an official HubSpot Partner in Poland for several years now. Thanks to our experience in implementing various projects, we will help you take full advantage of its capabilities. Currently, as a Platinum Partner, we are able to meet even the most sophisticated expectations of our customers.

Main features

HubSpot Sales Hub - a hardworking CRM


Full-blooded, easy-to-use CRM



  • Add contacts, companies, tasks, record sales team activity and easily keep your data up to date.
  • Use interactions between contacts and any functional area of the business to prepare better communication with potential customers.

Sales email templates



  • Turn your best, repetitive emails into their patterns.
  • Use patterns to better control communications.
  • Personalize the message by including database data in emails.

Sales automation



  • Set up automated, personalized emails or follow-up tasks to support sales process organizations and increase their efficiency.
  • Create action sequences if your previous sales action ended with the expected result or the opposite.
  • Use built-in reporting of set process paths.

Track responses to sent emails.



  • Watch email opens and link clicks.
  • Use recipient behavior to respond at the best time.
  • Use recipient behavior to build filters, segments and take action.

Features for sales managers



  • Plan personal sales goals.
  • Report progress and degree of goal achievement.
  • Forecast sales of a salesman or sales team. 
  • General to detail view provides a better understanding of the factors affecting a salesman's progress.

Document management



  • Keep correspondence attachments in one place.
  • Create and share sample sales documents with your team.
  • Create and control the addressee's response to the sales offer.
  • Integrate attachments with salespeople's inboxes in Gmail or Outlook.

Customize customer knowledge



  • Determine what unique data you want to collect about customers. 
  • Create your own data fields or custom data objects to collect information that will improve sales marketing or after-sales service.
  • Plan your customer interaction path and create profiles of potential and current customers.
  • Use customer profiles to increase marketing and sales efficiency.

Provide a calendar of meetings for a trader or a team



  • Create a customized meeting calendar for each sales person or one for the entire team.
  • Publish the calendar on the web so that interested parties can easily match and book a sales-related meeting.
  • Integrate the online calendar with the sales person's or team's calendar in Google Calendar or Outlook.
  • Send appointment notifications and pre-meeting reminders to stakeholders.

Build salespeople's phone calls into processes and into the contact's profile



  • Integrate your CRM with your PBX or telephone program.
  • Automatically record incoming and outgoing calls.
  • Customize and use highlighting of the results of a call.
  • Search for contacts with whom phone calls were made. Build filters and segments.
  • See if making more phone calls positively affects sales. 
  • Check at what point the sales team should increase results by changing the communication channel.
  • Decide if you want to record conversations with prospects or customers. Provide more quality or better training materials for new employees.

Live chat and bots



  • Take advantage of communication opportunities when someone visits your website. Increase your knowledge of callers. Enrich your contact's profile.
  • Customize chat to your needs and branding.
  • Automate conversations using botwó, during peak or off-hours office hours.
  • Use ready-made text snippets to convey the right information more easily and quickly.

Connect payments



  • Add payments to your site with a few clicks. 
  • Added payments require no additional action from the buyer.
  • Run recurring payment sequences for, for example, products or services sold in a subscription model.

Launch sales guides



  • Design sales guides (sales playbooks). From product specifications to pricing or discount policy guidelines to interactive conversation scripts to complement contact profiles.
  • Tailor playbooks to customer types.
  • Use playbooks to increase the knowledge of working or new salespeople.
  • Sales guide performance reports will help you build results and organizational knowledge faster.

Sales analysis and reporting



  • Use more than 90 ready-to-use relevant sales activity and performance reports.
    Sales Funnel.
  • Report the activity of a salesperson or an entire team.
  • Use real-time reporting to decide what's important faster.
  • Create custom reports, especially reports related to your specific data requirements.

Account Based Marketing



  • Easily start the Account Based Marketing process.
  • Use tools that make it easy to identify companies that are a good fit for your sales goals.
  • Attract attractive companies and build communication scenarios with various stakeholders at potential and existing customers.

Use Sales Hub on your smartphone



  • Use HubSpot Sales on your cell phone. A tool tailored to work with a smaller screen and an odd mode of operation.
  • View tasks and customer activity as you travel.
  • Use the CRM database to initiate phone calls or identify received calls.
  • Add notes, note the results of a call or meeting, in a way that gives structured knowledge.