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Social Media Marketing

Łukasz Kosuniak
35 min to read
Tags | Content Marketing
Social media marketing is the activity of creating a campaign geared towards promoting your company and its products on social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.

From this guide you will learn:

🡵 What is Social Media Marketing?

🡵 Benefits of Social Media Marketing

🡵 Quick guide to channels

🡵 Social media marketing campaign

🡵 Social media campaign strategy 

🡵 A universal recipe for success?

The first social media sites were created in America as early as the 1990s, such as Six Degrees in 1997. At the time, no one imagined that they would become the most widespread and such an effective marketing tool. It was only when, less than 10 years later, today's biggest brands - such as: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and MySpace - the "machine started". Today, almost no member of a globalised society can imagine life without social networks. Need an idea for dinner - you search Facebook groups. Looking for an employee? You add an offer on LinkedIn. Want to practise yoga? You turn on YouTube. It is thanks to these common mechanisms that modern marketing relies heavily on social media marketing campaigns.

What is social media marketing?

Social media marketing is the activity of creating a campaign geared towards promoting your business and its products on social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Your unique content should be tailored to the specific platform on which it is shared to help you increase conversions and brand recognition.

A whole set of tactics and tools centred around social media marketing is extremely beneficial for brand development. Your campaign strategy, on the other hand, will vary depending on the social networks your audience spends time on, the industry you specialise in and many other factors - as you will see in the following sections of our guide.

The benefits of Social Media Marketing

There are many reasons why your business should benefit from social media marketing. Yes, the value of social media depends on the objectives of a particular business profile or the personal goals of a brand, but the basic, immutable function of social media marketing is based on building relationships. Relationships, in turn, can then translate into sales. Don't believe in the power of social media? In this section, you will find out what you can gain from it.

1. Building brand awareness

In 2019, there were almost 3.5 billion people on social media. A year-on-year increase of 9% on average is noted. The figures speak for themselves - social media has the potential to increase your brand recognition. In practice, this recognisability translates into audience engagement, i.e. all the comments, likes, shares and reviews. Your social media presence can help build your image as a professional in your field or as a brand operating in a specific niche. The old saying 'As they see you, so they write you' applies perfectly here.

Building brand awareness through social media aims to work on an image that will make the brand somehow relevant to current and potential buyers, but also to all other media audiences. Brand awareness is its positive image, recognition and expertise. When does brand awareness manifest itself? You know the situation when you've never used a tool, but decide to buy a product from brand XYZ because you've heard it's 'the best'? This is an example that shows that brand awareness involves not only your customers, but also random people who just associate your product with an activity (even though they have never used it before). Your efforts with this, give your brand a personality and a market.


Materiał pochodzi z raportu „Digital 2019”, dostępnego na stronie: 

Strong brand awareness is the result of many simultaneous efforts that go beyond trying to win paying customers. If you expect to increase awareness of your brand by running a series of product ads on Facebook - nope. Such advertising may get you product sales, but not brand 'sales'.

2. Generating leads and increasing conversions

Conducting thoughtful and planned communication on social media is a simple way to increase lead generation and conversion to sales. There are people who tweet signalling a specific consumer need - be vigilant. Or maybe you have a great website that lacks traffic that will influence sales? Social media can help you with this.

Every traffic matters. Today, a potential customer will check how your profile looks on social media before contacting you. The number of fans, positive reviews, the way you respond to comments, the personal profiles of your employees, and the posts you share - all have an impact on whether the recipient will engage with you. It's very likely that they will condition their interest in your offer on how active you are on social media.

Here are some basic tips on how to use social media with a view to generating sales leads (each issue will be elaborated on in the Strategy... section):

  • Remember to 'Call to Action' redirects to your website and include links to your offer in bio sections and posts.
  • Post live videos to promote new products and provide updates about your business. Share your knowledge and ideas.
  • Implement a social media marketing campaign based on the principles of Content Maketing.
  • Identify the right channels. All social media platforms have their pros and cons, so you must try to identify which platform your audience is on. It's not always worth wasting time communicating on channels that won't deliver the right conversion.

hubspot social media

Post HubSpota na Facebooku z przekierowaniem na blog

3. Relationships with customers

By connecting and engaging with your followers on social media, you will be able to build a lasting relationship between them and your business. You can do this by interacting with your audience underneath your posts, responding to their questions and comments and providing them with any help they need. You can also ask your followers questions about your products, related issues or create freebies to help build trust and show how much you value your customers' input and support.

Social media is also a quick and direct way to connect with your audience at any time. You can use it as a way to instantly inform customers about current promotions, special offers, new products, but also to share your expertise with them..

Customer service is also involved in building relationships on social media. In some cases, a consumer who encounters a problem of any kind will not address it directly to the company. Instead, she will post her complaints on the portals. Today, many consumers use social media platforms as a form of direct contact with various brands, while expecting an almost immediate response from the company. Research has shown that around 42% of customers directing a problem or query to a brand expect a response within an hour. Companies can therefore use social media channels to provide excellent customer service. In such a situation, a chatbot will be a useful tool to automate customer queries. Chatbots are gaining popularity online. If there is a lot of content flowing in from customers, it is worth supporting yourself here with the solutions that marketing automation offers. If you are thinking of implementing these solutions in your business, you will find our article helpful: Marketing automation - how to prepare.


4. Market and competitor research

Social media is a great way to keep an eye on your competitors - whether this relates to their social media tactics, the products they are promoting or the marketing campaigns they are implementing.

It's worth monitoring social media to see how your competitors are interacting with their audiences, the type of content they are publishing and to assess the frequency of their posts. Keeping an eye on competing accounts is a great way to discover trends in your industry and identify how you can stand out from other brands. Social media allows you to observe what tactics of your competitors are working or not, thus helping you to assess what might work for you.

5. Cost reduction

Let's face it. Printing flyers was more costly than publishing content on social media. Some advertising campaigns on Facebook, reach more people than billboards, and YouTube, which is the second largest search engine in the world, can be more financially beneficial than TV ads.

Social media is one of the most cost-effective elements of any marketing strategy. Creating a business profile is free on most social media platforms. In addition, the paid promotions that businesses can invest in are usually relatively inexpensive compared to other marketing techniques. The cost-effective nature of social media advertising means that companies can get a greater return on investment and use more of their budget for other business expenses.

Social media can also be a great tool for creating meaningful feedback about your brand. When your content goes viral, it can quickly reach millions of people. Nothing will do your business as much good as whisper marketing.

6. Getting to know your customer profile

Social media allows you to accurately target your advertising. Thanks to statistics, you can identify the target audience your business is reaching. This is a huge advantage for brands with a niche or local market. Use social media as a way to find potential customers and analyse their information needs.

Getting to know consumers can help your business discover creative ways to reach them through content and advertising. This is because you will be able to assess what your audience is looking for. Targeting and meeting specific customer needs can result in increased conversion rates and overall sales.

Facebook statystykiWgląd w statystyki w sekcji zarządzania profilem na Facebooku


A quick guide to channels

Before we delve into your social media marketing campaign, let's sort through the key figures for the biggest platforms:

1. Facebook

Number of users: 2.2 billion
Audience: Generation X and millenials
Industry impact: B2C
Best for: Brand awareness; advertising

2. Twitter

Number of users: 335 billion
Audience: Primarily millenials
Industry impact: B2B and B2C
Best for: Public relations; customer service

3. Instagram

Users: 1 billion
Audience: Primarily millenials
Industry impact: B2C
Best for: natural-looking media, behind-the-scenes user-generated content; Ads Reklamy

4. LinkedIn

Number of users: 645 million
Audience: Baby boomers, generation X and millenials
Industry impact: B2B
Best for: B2B relationships; business development and employment marketing

5. YouTube

Number of users: 1.9 billion
Audience: Millenials, closely followed by generation Z
Industry impact: B2C
Best for: Brand awareness; entertainment and instructional videos

6. Snapchat

Number of users: 300 million
Audience: Primarily generation Z
Industry impact: B2C
Best for: Brand awareness; advertising

7. Pinterest

Number of users: 250 million
Audience: Primarily older millennials and younger baby boomers
Industry impact: B2C
Best for: Visual advertising; inspiration

8. TikTok

Number of users: 800 million
Audience: Primarily generation Z
Industry impact: B2C
Best for: Brand awareness; entertainment; advertising (cheaper reach than on Instagram and Facebook)

Social media marketing campaign

1. What is a social media campaign?

A social media campaign is a coordinated marketing effort by a company to amplify information (about a brand, product or service) using one or more social media platforms. These campaigns are strategy-focused, have measurable results and impact on social media followers.

2. Why are SM campaigns so important?

Worldwide, there are more than two billion active users, one billion on Instagram and 365 million on Twitter.

uzytkownicy na facebookuUżytkownicy Facebooka – źródło:

In the US alone 77% of the population has an account on at least one social media platform. Whether it's for chatting with friends, staying in touch with people around the world or for business purposes, consumers are on social media - and marketers need to be able to capitalise on this.

Investment in social media advertising worldwide is predicted to grow to around $48 billion by 2021.

global social mediaŹródło:

With so many people checking notifications on their phones every now and then, browsing social boards while travelling, commuting, resting and more - is there a better way to reach your desired target audience?

3. Brand loyalty

Social media advertising reaches your audience in a cheap and effective way. Using the platforms will allow you to reach your target audience, connect with existing and potential customers, but most importantly develop brand loyalty, which is one of the most important image achievements. What does this consist of? Brand loyalty is a bias towards one particular business or product over a competitor. On social media, a loyal customer is more likely to comment, follow or share your content. This behaviour thus increases the reach and influence of your business. How exactly do you build loyalty through social media? Building loyalty starts with a conversation. Fortunately, social media engagement requires the same. A great way to combine the two is through Facebook groups or Twitter chats, for example. There you can connect all the people in your industry who have one thing in common - your brand. This is a great starting point for talking to your audience, but remember that the topics you add shouldn't just be about your business. Instead, introduce and allow new topics based on current events or group members' interests. When you offer an interesting and thoughtful topic, people will keep coming back. Today, users are looking online to connect with people in the industry and share professional and consumer experiences.

4. How do I set objectives for a social media campaign?

When creating a social media marketing campaign, it is important to define specific objectives. This analysis will then allow you to assess the effectiveness of your actions and investments. So how do you define your goals? Here, we recommend the SMART goals. (If you want to learn more about the SMART Method, watch the video produced by Hubspot Academy). SMART in this case is an acronym for five English words:  specific, measurable, aim, relevant, time-bound. The tactic is thus implemented in the following five steps:

  1. Be specific

  2. Make the objectives measurable

  3. Aim for attainable goals

  4. Choose the right goals that relate to your brand (relevant)

  5. Define your objectives for a given period of time, excluding time-bound information

Your activities must be clearly defined. You cannot plan, for example: "We will start running the channel in a more humorous way". - this is not a SMART goal. Instead, you can assume that you will publish entertaining content once a week, which a specific person in the company will be responsible for. The key to success is precision. It also relates to numbers. Don't assume, "In these months, we will focus on increasing the number of fans" - the SMART objective will be to precisely plan activities that result in a 10% increase in the number of fans on our Facebook account in a given month.


Your goals need to be easy to measure, otherwise you will find it difficult to track and qualify progress. "Increase LinkedIn traffic" in itself is not a goal. It is better to ask yourself what specific marketing goal this traffic is supposed to lead to, e.g. X per cent increase in fans (as above), or X per cent increase in leads. A common mistake made during social media campaigns is not defining measurable indicators for yourself in your activities, the so-called  KPIs (Key Performence Indicators). These indicators refer to both 'specific' and 'measurable' - i.e. clearly defined, measurable activities.


Targets not only need to be precise, but also attainable. Before you assume an X per cent increase in some indicator, make sure it is achievable in reality. For example, if this month, your number of followers on LinkedIn increased by 5%, the next month try to increase it by 8%, not 25%. It's important to base your targets on your own analysis rather than industry benchmarks. So, let's add some 'achievability' to our SMART goal..


Choose goals that are relevant to your brand and relate to current industry trends. Does your goal support the company's vision or values? Take this into consideration.


Keep time in mind! Set a deadline for your goal and analyse how much time you need to take action. A SMART goal should be time-bound. Meeting deadlines also puts a healthy dose of pressure on the team. Remember to classify your goals and tasks. Set deadlines for shorter tasks and combine them into one larger one. This helps you make consistent and meaningful progress in the long term.

For example, by increasing organic traffic to your channel by 5% per month, you are likely to achieve an approximate 30% increase over the year.

5. How do I achieve my campaign goals?

In this section, we'll zoom in on some simple ways to establish a solid brand awareness foundation based on the SMART GOALS method:

Be social

Make friends with your brand. When you want to make an impact on your audience, you need to define yourself as more than a company that offers a product or service. How else would you define yourself? Post on social media about things unrelated to your product or services. Interact with your audience by asking them questions, commenting on their posts. Treat your social media accounts as if you were a human being, not a company trying to make money.

Example  SMART goal  linked to being social: Increase the number of likes on posts by 8% per quarter.

valuable brandsRanking Forbes 2019 prezentujący najbardziej rozpoznawalne marki na świecie.


Get in touch with your audience

Contact with your audience is important in all types of marketing. In a world where we are increasingly distracted and our patience with messages is diminishing, effective marketing tactics are more important than ever.

When working on a social media marketing campaign, you can connect with your audience on both a basic level by watching, commenting or 'liking' - as well as through a related post that makes them feel 'defined' in some way.

By tracking mentions of your business, you can also find out what customers are saying about your company and respond to complaints in a timely manner. Responding and resolving issues quickly allows you to stay ahead of large-scale complaints and build brand loyalty. This type of engagement is made easier by using marketing automation tools. If you would like to learn more about how to optimise your channel management while staying in constant contact with your audience, you may find our guide to marketing automation helpful.

An example of a SMART goal linked to staying in touch with your audience: get ten 5-star reviews on a search engine in one quarter.

Ensure loyalty

Brand loyalty has always been one of the most important factors for long-term growth. We have talked about loyalty before in the context of benefits. Now let's consider loyalty to customers. Social media is a great place to show your buyers your gratitude for their trust. Today, social media provides a whole new platform where brand loyalty can be shared with thousands of people in real time.

For example, with the trend of posting their meals on media, restaurants have started to offer discounts and promotions to those who post a picture of their dish on their profile. This provides the restaurant with promotion and the customer with a nice association. Consider how YOU can 'appreciate' your customer on social media. There are many ways to do this! Even if your industry does not have a B2C profile.

Example SMART goal: Achieve 10 tags on Instagram within 3 months.

Call to action

Social media is a great way to increase traffic to your website. Even a basic listing of your website in your profile bio, helps drive users to your website where they can learn more about your company or a specific product.

You can also respond to social media followers with the URLs of specific landing pages on your website. Adding links to your site as part of a natural conversation or organic post is a great way to do this. You can also add your website URL or landing page to your social media post.

You will increase traffic to your website by providing observers with links to the resources they need to answer their questions and concerns. If observers don't follow the link to your website, they can always click 'Like' or 'Share', which is always beneficial.

Example SMART goal linked to a call to action: Increase by 5% on a monthly basis, the click-through rate of links found in posts.

Social media campaign strategy

A social media campaign  strategy is a coordinated marketing effort to reinforce or help achieve a business objective through one or more social media platforms. Campaigns differ from day-to-day social media activities because of their greater focus, targeting and measurability.

There are many ways to create a successful social media marketing campaign. Plans vary depending on your industry, the platform you are using and the type of campaign. Find out our tips:

1. Research your competitors

At the planning stage of your social media marketing campaign, think about your competitors. Which companies are similar to yours and already have successful social media accounts? Do you know of any competitor campaigns that you have particularly enjoyed? Do the companies you follow usually run competitions, giveaways or live videos? What does engagement look like on their social posts?

Look elsewhere for inspiration as well. If your competitors aren't on social media, you're not a fan of their style or you have a unique business - look for other campaigns that inspire you and identify how you can apply similar elements and achieve similar engagement, aesthetics or a specific message.

2. Define your buyer personas and audience

The first step to creating a social media marketing strategy is to identify who your  buyer personas are, so you can respond precisely to their needs and interests. Personas help all of us - marketers, sales, service - to find the ideal customer we are trying to attract. An in-depth understanding of our audience profiles is crucial for creating your social media content, product development, sales tracking and everything related to customer acquisition and retention. It also allows you to target or personalise your marketing to different audience segments.

Find out more about buyer personas from the article 'Buyer Persona - this is where content marketing starts' or from episode 16 of the Business Marketer podcast.


"Negative" personas"

Not only your buyer personas, but also their opponents can be useful. It's a good tactic to give yourself an extra estimate of the representation of a persona that will definitely not turn out to be your customer. This will help you find the right profile. These could be, for example, professionals who are too advanced for your product or service, students who only engage with your content for research/knowledge, or potential customers who are simply too expensive to acquire (due to a low average selling price, their propensity to churn or their reluctance to buy from your company again).

How do you determine your customer profiles?

You will most accurately determine your customer profiles by relying on market research, as well as on the insights you gather from your own base (through surveys, interviews, questions asked to customers, etc.). Depending on your company, you may only highlight one or two buyer profiles; this number may increase if necessary in subsequent development stages. When creating forms for use on your website, introduce fields that capture important information about individuals. For example, if all of your personal information varies by company size, ask each 'lead' for company size information on your forms.

Review your contact base to uncover trends about how certain leads or customers find and 'consume' your content.

Consider your sales team's feedback on the leads they contact most often. What common traits might apply to the different types of customers you serve?

For more tips on determining buyer persona, check out our webinar on content marketing in B2B lead generation..

3. What and how? Types, formats and channels

To determine the type of content, consider what the circumstances are that determine your campaign. Here are some cases:

  • Holidays
  • Special occasions (e.g. company anniversary)
  • Partnerships with other companies
  • Competitions or giveaways
Make sure your content is unique

Create a campaign aesthetic that fits with your brand. You want what you create to be unique - everyone who comes to your website should know it belongs to you - without reading your profile description. Being unique and authentic helps you stand out and give people a reason to want to follow you and not your competitors. Create a unique hashtag for your campaign. All major social media campaigns have a hashtag, which should be the same across all your social media platforms. Hashtags allow team members to track interactions and make it easier for observers to interact with your campaign.

socialmedia2Feed Volvo cars na Instagramie

Use live streaming

With live streaming, viewers can watch content in real-time from anywhere in the world and engage with it, creating a unique and engaging experience.

Facebook Live is one of the most popular ways to stream live content, as well as to other platforms such as Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. You can use live streaming to update followers in real time, run competitions, interview guests and influencers, and create Q&A.

Training webinars are also a form of live streaming, which is a great idea. The recording of the webinar can be reformatted and reused - as a podcast, video or e-book. If you'd like to try this form but aren't quite sure how to go about it, we recommend our #3 Webinar on webinars, where you'll learn how to organise a webinar step-by-step.

socialmedia3Ilustracja pochodzi z #3 Webinaru o webinarach aut. Łukasza Kosuniaka, dostępnego na naszej stronie.

4. Automation of social networks

Scheduling and regularity of publication is at the heart of the plan. One of the easiest ways to ensure your content is shared on schedule is to use a social media management solution. These tools allow you to write posts, prepare photos and videos, schedule posts in advance, analytics, and manage multiple platforms at once. They automatically share your content according to a schedule and monitor all interactions and engagement of posts. Social media management solutions allow you to save time and focus on other tasks.

Tools such as Hootsuite, Crowdfire, and CoSchedule allow marketers to schedule posts with text, images, videos, hashtags and more. Some of these scheduling tools include analytics features that help users determine which scheduled posts are doing well and which posts need to be modified.

Increasingly, marketing automation systems allow us to run integrated marketing campaigns across multiple channels simultaneously, including social networks. We can, for example, target a LinkedIn or Facebook campaign to a group - a segment created in the marketing automation system containing customer data that has not yet responded to an email marketing communication. Because the campaign is managed in one place, we can see exactly which channels and activities have produced the best results.

socialmedia4Rys. powyżej – planowanie publikacji w mediach społecznościowych w systemie HubSpot. W jednym miejscu możesz zaplanować publikacje dla kilku kanałów a następnie analizować szczegółowe statystyki.

In the case of campaigns or sponsored posts that include a form, we can redirect the form data directly into the marketing automation system and extend an additional email campaign to the people who filled in the form. This allows us to respond in a personalised way to each submission, while not overloading the sales and marketing department. Once again, we refer you to our guide to marketing automation, where you will find all the knowledge you need about automation tools. przewodnika po marketing automation, gdzie znajdziesz całą potrzebną wiedzę na temat narzędzi do automatyzacji.

5. Analyse your impact and results

One of the most important aspects of social media marketing is to ensure that your efforts are effective. To determine this, you need to track all your posts on each channel. You can do this by using social media metrics. Social media metrics are data linked to the success of posts and your impact on audiences and customers across platforms. They can include data on engagement levels, likes, follows, shares and all other interactions on each platform.

Top 10 metrics to track:

  • Activity:Includes clicks, comments, likes and replies to social media posts. There are also platform-specific types of engagement, such as 'Saved' posts on Instagram or 'Pinned' posts on Pinterest.
  • Reach:The number of people who have seen content associated with your page or profile.
  • Followers:This is the number of people you have on your profile who have clicked the 'Observe' button and are regularly viewing your content on their feeds.
  • Views:The number of times a post from your profile or page is viewed, regardless of whether your audience clicks on it. This often happens when someone scrolls through a news feed but doesn't click on anything.
  • Video views:On Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram or any other social channel with video features, this is the number of times each video has been viewed.
  • Profile visits:The number of people who have opened your social media page.
  • Mentions:Is the number of mentions of your profile by audience members in their posts.
  • Tags:Audiences add your company's profile name or hashtag to another post.
  • Shares:Are posts that observers and recipients take from your profile and share with their network.

Manage the results of your campaign strategy

If you want to assess the effectiveness of your efforts, you need to measure and monitor your entire campaign.

A tool such as  Google Analytics is also a popular way to track statistics. . You can also use marketing automation tools such as  HubSpot's social monitoring and metric tracking. This type of specific data provides information such as the amount of overall campaign traffic, the number of new followers you've gained (and the number of followers you're losing), engagement levels, changes in site traffic and any changes in sales.

6. Use authority

Influencer marketing

Today, influencer marketing is one of the most popular forms of promotion. Investing in the good word of someone who is liked by social media users often pays off handsomely. Try to consider whether your brand could benefit from such an affiliation. If, on the other hand, you want to learn more and consider how to look for an affiliate - you can find information on this topic in our #12 podcast on influencer marketing.

Promote your own experts

Sometimes we forget that our employees can be the best ambassadors for our products. Involve your employees in content creation, support their publications and brag about them on LinkedIn. An example of a tool to help distribute company content on social networks is, a platform through which your employees get recommended content that they can promote very quickly and you, as an administrator, can see how this translates into reach and you can promote the most active of them. This method can be used if you work with a network of business partners - they get interesting content to share and you increase the free reach of the campaign promoting your product.

7. Promote your content

Now is the time to start sharing your campaigns and promoting your content. The algorithms of all platforms today work in such a way that without paid forms of promotion, it will be difficult for you to achieve online visibility. The most common way to do paid social media promotions is to use  Ads Manager – from here you can manage your campaigns on Facebook and Instagram. So to create an engaging social media advert, make sure it includes:

  • Eye-catching image or video
  • Has a tailored format
  • Short and memorable message
  • Call to action
  • Precise description of the link to which you are redirecting


Promote one message across the entire campaign

Start by promoting one message across a number of different platforms using content that matches a selection of them. By consistently sharing the same message throughout the campaign, your followers will hear the same information, allowing them to remember the message.

Successful marketing campaigns of the past have proven that a system of repeating slogans is highly effective. An audience that is familiar with the message will increase their trust in the brand.

Balance promoted and unpromoted content

Your observers will notice if you constantly push them with promotional content. By balancing promoted and unpromoted content, your audience will perceive you as helpful - you will become visible but unobtrusive to them. You will be most effective if you provide your followers with promotional content that they find useful and engaging.


Although social media is an online space, it is also worth using it to look after your company's events. A conference, a company holiday, a panel discussion. With social media, you will not only promote your event, but you will also take care of the organic reach on your Facebook profile - creating events is a good way to reach new audiences.


Ilustracja przedstawia część wyników raportu Sotrender – Facebook Trends 02.2020.

A universal recipe for success?

Successful marketing on social networks takes time and effort. Strategy, planning, promotion, measuring effectiveness, studying your competitors' statistics - all these activities put in correlation with each other will provide you with the key to success. The results of measuring the effectiveness of each company's efforts will always vary. Of course, you will notice some common trends and marketing treatments that work well in most cases or are assigned to a certain industry, but your optimal strategy must be based on your own plans and assumptions. Each audience, while it may appear similar, will fundamentally differ.

Łukasz Kosuniak
CEO Grow Consulting
B2B marketing practitioner and consultant with 20 years of business experience.