HubSpot Service Hub

Take service to the next level and turn satisfied customers into a force for growth for your brand.


You'll achieve this with Service Hub - the leader in customer service software.

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Are you client-centric?

Here's HubSpot Service Hub - software for the client-centric

With Service Hub platform you will deepen your relationship with customers, manage their experience and satisfaction. If needed in your business, you will be able to create solutions to support customers quickly, effectively and efficiently. All the data about interactions with a given customer are gathered in one place, so you know the customer's history and needs. Every customer issue can be referred to the right context.

What can the Service Hub do for you?

A new quality of customer service


Retaining and satisfying customers is a task as important as acquiring new ones. It's a strategy that not only pays off, but also supports your growth when satisfied customers become promoters of your brand. Multiple channels of communication, quick response to questions or efficient management of requests are the basis of professional customer service. It is easiest to guarantee it when all the necessary functions are at hand, in one system.


Service Hub is a software that helps deepen customer relations: from the first question to the satisfaction survey. With it, you will create an effective help desk and customer service pipeline, contact customers at their convenience and save all contact history in one box. And for those who like to find solutions on their own, you will create a useful knowledge base.


To accompany your customers on every step of their journey, you can connect Service Hub with your marketing and sales systems. More than 1,590 custom integrations will allow you to continue using your favorite applications. What's more, Service Hub is designed to work with Marketing Hub, Sales Hub, Operations Hub and Content Hub, so you can manage the entire marketing, sales and customer service process in one system.


We are one of the first HubSpot Partners in Poland. Now as a Platinum Partner with many implementations that have allowed us to gain the necessary experience, we are able to handle even the most complex projects. Achieved Platinum Partner status also means that we consistently implement and develop HubSpot standards with our customers.

Main features

HubSpot Service Hub - manage customer satisfaction


Customer portal



  • Easily create a customer potral without involving your IT team. Your branding and website styling can automatically be added to this portal.
  • Each customer, after logging in, will be able to see their ongoing issues with your company.
  • Access to the portal becomes the customer's point of contact with your support team. Simple, current and secure.
  • The portal is linked to the CRM module. If you wish, your support staff will have access to all the details of the customer relationship.
  • Take advantage of automated workflows to streamline and increase customer service efficiency.
  • Connect a helpdesk and a shared message box to the customer portal.
  • Give portal users access to your knowledge base.

Knowledge base



  • Create a knowledge library so that customers can find the necessary information themselves and be better able to use your products or services.
  • The knowledge base can be universally accessible and build your SEO, or only for your prospects, or only for your customers. Share articles from the knowledge base when your sales person is trying to acquire a customer. Also make them available in live chat conversations. Allow customers to search for necessary information in the customer portal.
  • By keeping track of recurring customer service tasks, you will create knowledge base content that will increase the efficiency of your customer service team and give customers faster solutions.
  • HubSpot automatically records in the CRM which articles were used by which contacts. Your knowledge base will provide you with more and more information to further improve your products or customer service process.
  • Use analytics and reports to control the completeness and usefulness of the knowledge you create and share to help customers build a good after-sales relationship.

Omnichannel communication



  • Use email communication. All recipients' interactions with your emails and attached materials will be available in the CRM.
  • Launch live chat. Designate a live chat support team. Support the work of this team by providing them with snippets of ready-made texts, conversations or articles from your knowledge base.
  • Connect the company's Facebook Messenger channel.
  • If you need, also connect a communication channel via WhatsApp.
  • Use phone calls as well.
  • Take advantage of the ease of transferring conversations from one channel to another. Communicate using the person's preferred channel.
  • Allow your team to have access to the full context of the relationship with a given caller when conducting customer communications. The data in the CRM provides the necessary information.
  • Use automation or reports to ensure that you can build complete and satisfying customer communications.

Incoming Phone Calls [Beta]



  • Receive phone calls directly in HubSpot.
  • The fact of the call will be automatically recorded in the CRM.
  • The employee will be able to make notes and save the classification of the call result directly in the CRM record.

VoIP calling



  • Make a call with HubSpot.
  • The fact of making a call, will automatically record in the record of the corresponding contact. It will classify the result of the call.
  • If necessary, you can use the call recording and then use this in training your employees.
  • Use phone calls to enrich customer knowledge and build their digital profile.
  • Use CRM data to assess the urgency of cases. Use this to build an optimal calling list.

Integrated with CRM



  • HubSpot Service Hub is directly connected to the CRM. You can start using the CRM free of charge. It will provide you with consistency in the information you collect, use and report. Data will start to turn into organizational knowledge.
  • All customer conversations conducted in customer support, training, repair, parts delivery are recorded directly in CRM.
  • Gathering information in one database will give you a holistic view of the customer relationship.

Shared inbox



  • With a shared inbox, your communication with prospects or customers becomes more fluid.
  • Recipients can start a conversation using live chat, only to send messages via a request form in a moment and continue the conversation using Facebook Messenger. And when next they ask you to email documentation, you'll appreciate the various communication channels available in the box.
  • Each type of communication is recorded in the data of the corresponding contact record. You get a holistic, unified, up-to-date and fast overview.
  • You can also connect a team email address. In this way, from the mailbox you will create a team collaboration tool.
  • With the ability to set work rules within the mailbox, any incoming case can be resolved quickly. Relevant issues will be automatically forwarded to the appropriate members of your team.
  • Use chatbots to maintain communication during peak or off-peak team hours.

Customer Opinion Survey



  • Easily launch and customize your customer feedback survey tool.
  • Use a survey builder that allows you to specify exactly who should receive a survey and when.
  • You can decide whether the survey will be in the form of a simplified pop-up on your website or you will send out email invitations.
  • Build surveys that allow you to measure customer satisfaction with your customer support process.
  • You have the Net Promoters Score (NPS), Customer Effort Score (CES) or Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSAT) at your disposal. Decide which aspects of the customer relationship you want to study.
  • The answers given by respondents are recorded in the CRM database. Customer feedback becomes useful knowledge, based on which you can design further actions.
  • Observe the overall results on dedicated reports.




  • Build teams of customer service principles (playbooks).
  • Create conversation and question scenarios to help you better understand the customer's case.
  • Use the interactive scenarios page to gather necessary information.

Helpdesk i ticketing



  • Register tickets, track the progress of issues and help customers better use your products or services.
  • Use a single database and a unified, cross-functional tool. Don't let customer issues escape through process inconsistencies or lack of tool integration.
  • Automates case streams. Passes them automatically to the right team members.
  • A case (ticket) can be created automatically at the time of a form built for this purpose, by email, reported in chat or via a message sent via Messenger.
  • Use prioritization of issues to efficiently handle incoming requests.
  • Work with tickets in the context of all information gathered about a given customer in CRM.
  • Use reporting to manage the team and case stream of your customers.

Customer service analytics



  • Use ready-made or self-created analysis and reports.
  • Check employee performance, response time to a new case or case completion time. Control cases in a selected rights stream (ticket pipeline).
  • Analyze case types according to a predetermined case key.
  • Combine customer satisfaction assessment surveys with case management reports.

Team management



  • Set the roles and access ranges of individual employees.
  • Define the scopes of issues and tasks to be performed by an employee with specific privileges.
  • Set service level agreement (SLA) parameters.
  • Use reporting to streamline processes and develop team skills.




  • Determine the hours of operation.
  • Specify the level of quality of service for cases and customers. Determine the times of the first response to a case and the time to resolve a case of a given type.
  • Use reports to determine the level of fulfillment of service quality parameters.
  • Use automation to help ensure the level of service quality.